The Joyous Day silk bouquet is a mix of beautiful flowers that reflect the bride's joy on her wedding day. Two large just opening pink roses in the center of the bouquet symbolize the the bride and groom at the beginning of marriage. Smaller pink roses fully opened sweep across the face of the bouquet joined by pink-tinted daisies, rose of sharon, and white daisies. The cascade is a cluster of white and pink rosebuds with lily of the valley intermingled. Sprigs of dark green ivy, a traditional symbol of fidelity, are tucked in around the sides of the bouquet. The bouquet is trimmed with pink and ecru bows tucked among the blossoms and highlighted with seed pearls. T he cascade is accented with strands of pearls and loops of pink and ecru baby ribbons. The entire floral arrangement is skirted with ecru lace. The bouquet measures 8" wide by 12 " tall (exclusive of lace skirt). Also comes in large size of 10" wide by 14" long.
Joyous Day, Small $50.
Joyous Day, Large $58.