Cascade Bouquet - Forever White
The Forever White bouquet is a fairly large cascade made of white roses.  The center of the bouquet has two large fully open white roses symbolizing the bride and groom.  The central roses are surrounded in the bouquet by smaller fully opened roses and white rosebuds.  Sprigs of double gypsophelia and sprengerlii fern fill out the bouquet.  The dramatic cascade is made up of small white roses and white trailing wisteria.  The cascade is twined with white baby ribbon.  A beautiful loopy tulle bow sets off the entire bouquet as well as smaller ribbon tendrils tucked in among the roses.  This bouquet is a magnificent centerpiece bouquet for the all-white wedding.  However, the design lends itself to using flowers of color for dramatic effect as well.  Approx. size is 18" wide and 21" long (excluding lace skirt).
Forever White, all white            $72.
Forever White, Custom Color  $72.

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