Wedding Sunburst - This artful bouquet of Rubrum lillies and gladiolus express the joy of the wedding day.  The bouquet is made up of 3 large Rubrum lillies and stems of gladiolus in full bloom.  Offsetting the beauty of the lillies and the yellow and peach accented glads is the rich green of the lily fronds.  The long stems are tied in  satin ribbon.  A large bow and streaming ribbon ends nestles just below the profusion of bloom.  This bouquet truly gives the impression that the bride stopped by the garden on her way down the aisle. (Always your choice of colors and flowers used in this bouquet.)
$55.  Alternate flowers may be used in this bouquet:

Long stemmed Roses          Dinner plate Dahlias
Peonies                              Magnolias
Poppies                              Stargazer Lillies
Zinnias                                Casablanca Lillies
If you were choosing flowers for this bouquet, would you pickCalla lillies & Freesia
White Roses & Freesia
White Magnolias & Freesia
White Zinnias & Freesia
Stargazer lillies & Freesia