The Modern White silk bouquet is a compact cascade, the more dramatic for its pure white blossoms. The bouquet is made up of large white carnations with smaller white roses nestled in between. Sprigs of jasmine (white, or choice of color) peek out between the roses and carnations. The cascade dramatically restates the white carnation and rose theme with buds and a fully opened blooms. Sprays of jasmine accent the cascade of white carnations and roses. Sprigs of variegated green ivy with the traditional message of fidelity are tucked into the sides of the bouquet. The bouquet is accented with bows of sheer ribbon edged with silver on either side of the cascade. (The ribbons can be white or contrasting colors.) The entire bouquet is finished with a white lace skirt. The arrangement measures 12-14" wide by 18" long (exclusive of skirt).
Modern White, all white $62.
Modern White, color accents $62.
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