The Nature's Inspiration silk bouquet comes in two color designs - white-on-white and country colors.  This bouquet is designed to give the appearance of having been hand-picked from the garden.  Each bouquet has a selection of twelve to fifteen long-stemmed flowers and sprays arranged in a carefree and artful style to express the natural individual beauty.   The white-on-white bouquet is filled with butter creme roses, white pineapple buds,  sprays of white rose of sharon, white wisteria, lotus, and a dogwood branch.  The long stems are wrapped in criss-cross style with baby ribbon which is snugged with a bow at the base of the blossoms.  The flowers and their greenery are wrapped in finest tulle of butter creme and tied  with a large bow of chiffon ribbon.   This bouquet is 12-15" wide and 28" long.  It is designed to be carried in the crook of the arm. 
$55. your choice of flowers available

Other Flowers to Consider

Roses             Stargazer Lillies
Delphiniums     Daisies
Asters             Carnations
Tulips              Mums
Calla Lillies      Day Lilles
Lilacs              Poinsettias
Orchids           Magnolias
Wisteria          Gardenias
Zinnias            Dahlias

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Questions?  Ideas?
Let's Talk!
Which flowers would you include in your natural arm bouquet?Daisies
Day Lillies
Calla Lilles